Friday, May 2, 2008

Happy May!

So, as most of you probably know, if you stay in another country for more than 3 months at a time, you need to get a visa. Well, I'm going to be here for 5 months, and never got one. I thought I could just slip by without one. But today marks day 1 of me being an illegal Austrian resident.

Natalie is in the same position as me, but she is going home in 15 days for her sister's graduation, so we assume she'll be okay. But, this past week, I started to get a little bit nervous about my situation. So, I went and talked to the study abroad office over here. My only option--leave the country and come back. Then the 3 months thing starts all over. My only problem--I can't just go to any country I want. It has to be one that is not in the European Union. And well...CROATIA HERE I COME! Haha. So yup, that's what I'm doing this weekend. I was able to talk Gavin, Louis, and Christian into going with Natalie and I. We leave tomorrow morning and are coming back sometime on Sunday. This morning I went and un-registered with the police..and when I get back I just have to re-register. So, it's not really all that difficult.

Anyway...some other news--only 26 more days until I have more visitors coming! My brother, sister, chandler, chad, adam bell, grant robinson, jamie olson, and andy are all coming to visit and we're going on a ten day euro trip! I am sooo excited! They are all flying into Frankfurt, and I'll be waiting there to pick them up at the airport. The only thing is, the flight that I got leaves from Venice on the 28th (they land the 29th) and the only way I'll make my flight on time, is by catching a train to venice on the 27th. Which means I have to stay by myself at a hostel in Venice on the 27th, and by myself in Frankfurt on the 28th. I'm gonna be quite lonely for two days. But, it's okay....definitely well worth it. I miss my brother and sister so much!

Alright...a recap on my last week. The only exciting thing is...
Wednesday night Christian, Clemmons, Nat, and I sat in the TV room and watched episodes of South Park and American Dad. In German.
Thursday I don't remember what I did. Apparently nothing too cool.
Friday during the day Natalie, Gavin, and I went shopping in the city. I got a pair of heels for only 20 euro!

Friday night a bunch of the exchange students--like 10 of us--went to the city. It was incredibly fun. Once again, everyone wanted to leave--except for me--so I ended up staying till about 5 am with Hannes (my neighbor) and Daniel (an Austrian that I probably haven't mentioned before). Then we got back here, sat around in the kitchen for a while, met up with markus and another neighbor kid, and went to the lake at 6am to watch the sunrise. Sounds corny I know, but it was fun. I didn't go to bed until about 7:30 am.
Rachael, Kintali, Villy, and Natalie.
Me and Hannes after everyone else left!
Me and Daniel at the lake.
Me and Markus decided to test out the water...let me tell was FREEZING.
Saturday night, Louis, Gavin, Alex, Nat, and I all went out to a club called Stereo for Reggae night. I personally thought it was kinda boring, but everyone else seemed to like it. We ended up going home around 2.
Alex (from Romania and Rachael's boyfriend), Louis, and Gavin.
On Sunday, Gavin, Derek, Natalie, and I all went on a walk around the lake. We were gone for a good 3 hours. It was sooo nice out! We ended up sitting at an outside bar and then found a dock and just laid around and talked for a good hour. On our way back, we heard really loud music, so we went and checked it out. There was some sort of carnival going on with a few rides and a beer garden and a band. Pretty cool, but we weren't in the mood to hang out there, so we just stayed for a couple minutes and then kept walking home.
Nat at the bar during our Sunday stroll.
Sunday night the four of us and Louis all went to the Schnitzelwelt again for a late dinner.

Monday was boring. I went to class, came back, did homework, and went for late night run.

On Tuesday I went for another late night run and afterwards went to the Mozartheim party. Pretty fun...but they are starting to get a bit old. It's the same thing every Tuesday night.
Gavin, me, and Niamh at Mozartheim.
Wedensday afternoon, I went and got a Kebab with Gavin and Louis, and then we went to the train station to look up train prices for our Croatia trip. Then I went to class and then came home. Wednesday night there was another UniParty. We didn't go until after midnight, and stayed until 3:30 or 4. Derek had two of his Italian friends come visit, so he brought them along and we got a chance to meet them--Giovani and Mikki.
Louis during our adventure to the train station.
At the UniParty--this is the Christian that's going to Croatia with me.

Thursday I did nothing. Absolutely nothing. Since I can't watch any tv here, I've started to watch a few things on-line. Since my parents and sister are obsessed with Lost, I decided to try it out. It is amazing. In the past week I've watched the entire first season. Yup, you can call me obsessed. I went to bed at 8 pm, and slept until 10:30 this morning. Call me lazy, I know.

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