Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Alright, I realize I haven't updated everyone on anything since my parents left, but honestly, it just hasn't been too exciting.

The first Monday back, Gavin, Natalie, and I all went out to Salud's and we each got our own order of nachos. Mmm, Mmm, Mmm. We all decided to take advantage of our drinking age, and ordered margaritas. Natalie and I were thrilled cuz it was the first drink we'd ever ordered at a restaurant. Afterwards, we didn't feel like going home yet, so we went into a bar and just sat around til about 1:30 and then we all took a cab back home.

Tuesday, we went over to Mozartheim and hung out with Blabi and Christoph. Blabi made some homemade strawberry liquor that he'd been working on for like three weeks, so he had us over to try it out. was gross.
The homemade concotion.
Wednesday Natalie and I watched a movie with Alberto.'s called The Unsaid. It's VERY good. I suggest u all watch it.

Thursday night we had our Studentenheim party--which is the party my dorm hosts. That was fun...EVERYONE was there.
Mom, this is Christian. ...he is the one from the last blog...the one that I love and that you haven't seen a picture of yet.
For lunch on Friday, Gavin, Louis, Natalie, and I all went out for pizza at the UniPizzeria..and then did nothing during the day.

Friday night was the university party. Yes i know, another party. Seriously, they party like crazy here. And it's weird, because they always party during the week, and then during the weekend noone does. The weekend is pretty much just for relaxing--which is quite nice. The UNIparty was great though. Before hand, all the exchange students came and hung out in our room. Then around midnight we all went to the UNI. It was pretty dead at first, but it ended up good. All of my friends left early (typical) and I ended up staying until close--around 4am--with Al (our tour guide guy). It was fun...just lots of music and dancing. And best of all, there was a kebab stand there. So, on the way back we both got one. yum :)
All of us in our room before going out.
The original four :) Nat, Blabi, Christoph, Me.
Teaching Gavin how to swing dance :)
Derek and I.
Blabi, Nat, and I.
Saturday I don't think I did anything. Just slept a lot.

Sunday was another nothingness day. Natalie, Gavin, Derek, and I all went to the Schnitzelwelt and got Weinerschnitzel. It was a fast food restaurant that served only shnitzel. And it was amazingly cheap. Two schnitzels and a ton of fries for only 5 euro.

Monday Natalie and I had to give a presentation over the book, The Things They Carried. It ended up being a TWO HOUR presentation--yup, we were in front of the class for the entire period. Miserable. But, it actually went pretty well (I hope at least!). Monday night Nat and I watched Pretty Women. Neither of us had seen it before...we liked it.

Tuesday we woke up at 11 and then went out for lunch with gavin at some chinese restaurant. All you can eat chinese for only 6.50. I tried sushi--not bad. And Gavin tried a fried banana. I thought about trying some tofu, but couldn't do it.

And well, now you're updated. Tuesday night was the mozartheim party.

And today...I've done nothing but go to class.

The weather has been pretty bad lately. It's always raining. ...thanks for the umbrella ma and pa, it's been getting a workout lately. Whenever it's not raining I try to squeeze in a run, but that's about it. Alright....until next time, bye bye :)

...I didn't spell check this. sorry.

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