Wednesday, April 23, 2008

my kids don't have a choice.

I had such a good night last night! Today was one of those days where all day during class I just couldn't keep from smiling cuz I was thinking about random stuff that happened last night. We had a Mozartheim party...and at first, I really, really didn't want to go--I think I was just in the mood to relax and watch more episodes of Survivor on the internet. But, around 11pm, I ended up going.

Gosh, there were just so many reasons that I had so much fun there. First of all, it was Clemmons’ birthday, so that alone is exciting. Secondly, Christian (one that isn't on my cool character chart) was there...and I LOVE Christian. He is just a genuinely nice person...and we get along so well! Basically, whenever he shows up somewhere it's just a big surprise and I love it.

Thirdly, there happened to be some football team there (with American boys on the team--and very cute ones I might add) and I ended up meeting 3 of those boys and hung out with them most of the night. I don't know what made it so fun, but it really was just a blast.

Fourthly, I also met 3 guys that play some other random Austrian game and hung out with them for a good majority of the night too.

Basically, around 1:30 or so, all of my friends decided they wanted to they did. But, I was just having so much fun with all my new friends that I decided to stay by myself. We ended up staying till after 4--and we only left because they were closing up! We were no where near ready to part our separate ways, so two of the football boys walked me home and we had fun talking the whole way back. Don't worry, we exchanged phone numbers and all of our facebook information :)

Lucky me, today I had an 8:30 class. I love waking up after getting 3 hours of sleep.

One thing I would like to mention. I don't care what my future kids have to say about this--they don't even have an option--they are studying abroad some where. I won't let them pass up something like this. This is by far the best experience I've ever had in my whole entire life. I wish it could last forever!

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