Saturday, April 5, 2008


Well, here's the latest recap:

Sunday after getting home from my eurotrip, I had a horrible cold, and basically spent the entire day updating my blog (which was a total of nine pages of text on word!). And pretty much, the rest of the week was spent doing basically nothing. My cold was pretty bad on Monday, Tuesday and besides going to class, I basically just laid around. I didn't even go to my kickboxing class on Tuesday...and I didn't go to the lake once-pretty depressing.

BUT, thank the lord for Friday! WELL... Thursday night Nat and I went to Mozartheim and watched The Exorcist with Blabi. We didn't get back to our room until about 2am. Then, by the time I got to bed it was nearly three. Friday morning I was very eager to get up and ready for the day because I was going to see my parents! I was at the train station by 9 and after a three and a half hour train ride I met my parents at the Salzburg station. They flew into Munich and took a train to meet me there. We ended up arriving within half an hour of eachother so it was pretty much perfect.

We spent the afternoon walking around the city center, and then went out to eat at a restaurant called "Humboldt." Thats right all of you Meyer's...Humboldt. After a delicious meal consisting of weiner schnitzel, we went back to the hotel. I unpacked all the food that my parents packed for me (there was an entire suitcase full of it!) and enjoyed several of the DELICIOUS homemade chocolate chip cookies that my grandma k made for me (thanks grandma!!!!). Then we were all exhausted, so we went to bed at 5pm!! haha!
Dad had a long day.
This morning (saturday) at 9:30 am we checked out of our hotel and hopped on the Original Sound of Music Bus Tour. For those of you who don't know, the movie "The Sound of Music" was filmed here. And, for those of you who don't know my mom...she loves that movie (I don't know how many family vacations I've gone on where the sound of music soundtrack was playing full blast..with of course my mom and sister belting out every single yodel).
The Fortress is behind us!
Anyway, the tour was actually very good. And not nearly as cheesy as I was expecting. Basically, Salzburg is GORGEOUS. My dad was sad when it was time to leave...he said, "I think if I would have visited this place thirty years ago, I probably would have moved here." So, now you hear it from someone else. I know I may be biased cuz I live in Austria...but it really is beautiful and just something you just have to see.
One of the more cheesey moments on the bus.
Anyway, the tour was over at 1:30 and our train left for Klagenfurt at 3. Once we were in Klagenfurt we found my parents' hotel and dropped off their bags. Then we took a bus to the Univeristat and I showed them my where I lived. I had fun showing it off :) Then Nat joined the three of us for dinner in the UNI Pizzeria. Then I sent my parents in the right direction of their hotel and went back to my dorm. I talked to Toni on skype (wooHOO!!!) and now I am anxiously awaiting my bed! Tomorrow I wanted to take my parents to the lake but there is a 70% chance of rain, so we'll see how that goes. Anyway, tchuss!

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