Thursday, May 22, 2008

I miss home :(

My pops mentioned that I haven’t updated my blog in a few days so here I go! BTW, I love you dad :) And mom, you know I love you too!

Friday was Kintali’s 21st birthday, so everyone celebrated with her that night. Christian came over for a bit as I was getting ready and then we walked over to Mozartheim together. There were so many people there! It was a lot of fun. After a couple hours, we went into the city and went to a couple bars. That was extremely fun too. I went home fairly early though—3am—cuz there was some creepy dude that kept bothering me. Even though he was aware that I don’t speak german, he never stopped trying to talk to me. I was sooo annoyed. So, I walked the entire way home. The fact that I walked is no big deal though. The big deal, is that I walked the entire way home BAREFOOT. I was wearing heels, but my feet hurt soo bad in them. I got home around 4, washed off my black feet, and went to bed.
Gavin and Kintali...or as they like to be called, Americaussie.
Gavin, June, Louis, Me, and Brian (another guy that goes to northern iowa)
Rachael (the texan), and me
Me, Einman, and I have no clue how to spell the other guys name so I won't even try.
The next day, I woke up around 2, and at 4 a girl from one of my classes came over. We had to give a presentation on Monday, so we worked on that for a bit. She left around seven. Then, that night two girls that studied here last year were visiting Clemens, Christian, and Hannes, so I hung out with them in the TV room for a while. They all went to the bars around 1, but I wasn’t really in the mood so I stayed home.

On Sunday, I don’t think I did anything exciting. I went to bed super late though because of course, I procrastinated with my presentation. I woke up early the next morning, after 3 hours of sleep, and finished working on it. Lisa came over at 10 am, and we got everything finished up, and ran through what we were going to say. Then at noon, we went to our Native American class and gave a presentation about The Bureau of Indian Affairs. Not my favorite topic. It went well though.

Monday and Tuesday were basically just boring days. It rained all day and night, so I couldn’t really lay out in the sun. Oh wait, actually, I dyed my hair on one of those days. All by myself. Sorry dad, I know you want it to be natural again, but the roots were so horrible looking.

Last night was yet another UniParty. Beforehand, I went to Mozartheim and watched Manchester United beat Chelsea in a shoot-out! Then, headed over to Concordia. Derek had two more of his Italian friends visit, so there was a bunch of people hanging out with them. Around 1 or so, we all went to the uniparty. Once again, I took my shoes off when I was dancing, but this time ended up stepping on some glass. Stupid me. I went home around 4 or 5, and woke up today around 2. Basically, I spent the day trying to pick the glass out of my feet. I can barely even walk. It’s miserable.

Christian, me, and Stephan in Concordia.
Tonight I am 100 percent homesick. I’d pretty much give anything to fly back home right now. I think I’m regretting signing up for this China thing. If I wouldn’t have, I’d be on my way home in a month and a half. That sounds so luxurious.

I forgot to mention, I’ve been living off of potatoes for the past four days. Today I tried to mix it up, and made some homemade baked lays. Believe me, they tasted nothing like the real thing. Tomorrow I’m going to the grocery store.
OH, and these are the pics from when alberto took me to that tower thing last week. Look at how beautiful my lake is!

1 comment:

Andi's Mom said...

I love and miss you too Penelope! :)