Sunday, May 4, 2008

My Weekend in Croatia.

Soo...Croatia. I woke up bright and early on Saturday at 6:30. Then I went to the Austrian version of Sam's club and got a few things--including the biggest bag of gummy bears I've ever seen. Then, I came home, finished packing, and then all of us met at the train station around 10:30. Our train didn't leave until 11:13, so I got a sandwich and then we took off for Zagreb, Croatia (the capital city). It was about a 5 and a half hour ride, so luckily we were all able to be in the same cabin.
The whole gang in Villach (our first train stop). Natalie, Gavin, Kintali, Christian, Me, and Louis.
We got to Croatia around 4:30, and then since I was the only one to look up directions to the hostel, I was responsible for getting everyone there--which is quite the task for a directionally-challenged person, but luckily we made it without any problems.
It was an adorable hostel. The six of us had a room and bathroom to ourselves...which was absolutely amazing. It was all very modern looking and overall, I'd say was the best hostel I've stayed in yet. Anyway, we dropped off our things, and then went off to get some kuna (croatian money) and some dinner.
First of all, the money there is ridiculous. It's called Kuna, and 60 euro is equal to more than 400 kuna. Anyway, we all took out some Kuna, and then found a cute pizza place to eat at. The menu was entirely croatian. None of us spoke the language. Luckily there was a pizza called "Mexico," so assuming it was a taco pizza, I ordered that. It ended up being a ham pizza with a very large amount of sour cream on top. Different, but good. The bill for just my dinner was 59 kuna. It just seems weird to say that. sprite was 12 kuna to put it in better perspective. We decided everything is about 7 times the euro. Talk about inflation.
I felt pretty dang rich with my new kuna money.
Afterwards we went to the grocery store and bought some chips and beer for the night. We heard the nightlife in Croatia is the best in all of Europe, so we thought we'd better see for ourselves :)
When we got to the hostel, we went to the lounge and ended up meeting a kid from New Zealand, so we invited him to go out with us. The seven of us hung out in the lounge for a few hours. We had such a good time. Louis is in a band, and is also a solo artist, and there just happened to be a guitar in the lounge for everyone to play, so we enjoyed listening to him for a while.
Tom, me, and Louis in the lounge.
Louis is so talented! This is my favorite song by him.
A little after midnight we walked to the clubs. We ended up going to about 4. HAHA, Natalie spent 100 kuna at the bar. I only spent 21 kuna (one drink). Even though I knew it was only 3 euro, just hearing 21 scared me so I stopped after that. We left around 4:30 am and caught a taxi home--73 kuna--and then we all went to bed.
The first bar we were at
The bartenders dressed up as cops.
We were all up by ten am the next morning. ....we showered and left the hostel around 11:30. Tom came with us again. It's a good thing he did cuz he actually kinda knew where he was going. We ate lunch at a chinese restaurant. We all ordered way too much food. The portions were huge, and not a single one of us finished. Afterwards we walked, and walked, and walked. There was a flea market going on, so we looked around there, and then continued walking. We went to the old town and just walked around. Before heading back to the train station we sat at some random bar and had a drink.
At the flea market.
Some random rooftop that I was pretty impressed with.
Nat, me, and Croatia.
The gang.
A few of us got hamburgers and kebabs, and then we picked up our bags from the hostel, and caught our 6:50 train back to Klagenfurt. The train was packed so all of us were split up. We had to change in Villach, and our next one was quite empty so we were all back together again. Then, we caught taxis back to our dorm and that was it.
The seven of us on the tram to the station.
Basically, I loved it. It was such a fun group of people. I never stopped laughing. And, I saved myself from being deported from the that in itself is a success.

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