Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Wien, Blabi's, and That's About It.

On Monday last week, Natalie, Clemens (Hannes just told me I've been spelling his name wrong!), Daniel, and Christoph all watched A Clockwork Orange. It was an incredibly stupid movie. Afterwards, I cooked a midnight snack for everyone--pancakes! Clemens and Christoph had never had syrup before. They were disgusted that 26% of it was sugar. Haha.

Tuesday night, Christian and this kid named Stephan came over. I cooked skillets for the two of them. I even cut the hashbrowns myself. It took aproximately 10 hours, but they were delicious! A bunch of people got home from the bars and joined us in the kitchen, and then we all went into the tv room and watched Apocolypto--with only Deutsch subtitles. I fell asleep after five minutes.

On Wendesday, Natalie and I spent the night packing and getting ready for the weekend. Then Christian called and said he wanted to come over or go out or something. We told him we couldn't go out cuz we had to be up early in the morning...so instead, we all went to the uni pizzeria around 9 and ate some pizza. Afterwards, he came over for a bit....lol, and then we were bored just sitting around, and so I forced him to let me put makeup on him. hahaha...that was interesting.
Pucker up :)
I guess I went a little extreme with the makeup.
On Thursday, Natalie and I caught our train at 8:48 to go to Vienna. We had to go in order to get our Chinese Visas. We had an empty room to ourselves on the train, so we each sprawled out across three of our own seats and took a relaxing two hour nap. We got off the train around 1:30 and headed towards the Chinese Embasy. We finally get there, just to find out that it's closed on Thursdays. It's only open on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. We were pretty mad. So, we went all the way across town and found our hostel, dropped off our things, and then went shopping down the main road in Vienna. I was in no mood to shop. Everything was incredibly expensive too...so basically I just window shopped for about 4 hours.

After all the stores closed, we went and got dinner at KFC. ....fyi, it's nowhere near as good as American KFC. First of all, NO BISCUITS! That's the whole reason for going to KFC. And secondly, no mac and cheese....my favorite.

Anyway, after dinner, we went back to our hostel and Natalie cut my hair in the bathroom. I haven't had my hair cut since December, so it was well needed. She did a good job :)

The next morning, we went straight to the Embasy and got our visas. Luckily we could do it all in one day--you just have to pay an extra 33 euros. But, it was worth it, otherwise I'd have to pay for another train ticket to come back to Vienna in a week to pick it up.

After we had our visas, we went and toured Vienna. Everyone I'd talked to said Vienna is one of their favorite places in all of Europe. But, honestly, it was my least favorite. There is nothing to see. I was bored walking around. Eventually, Natalie and I didn't know what else to do...and our trian didn't leave until 6:30 at night, so we just bought a little tub of icecream from a supermarket and sat in a park and ate the entire thing.
In the midddle of Vienna
At the park where we devoured our icecream.

I loved this....it's an actual working clock.
AMAZING singer.
...he was going for a good minute before I started recording.

At 6:30 we got on a train and went to a town just outside of Salzburg where our friend Blabi lives. He picked us up at the train station around 9, and then we went to his house. We watched the movie Ghost (Nat and I had never seen it) and then went to bed.

The next morning we went grocery shopping with Blabi's mom. She was so cute. She spoke no English...so we had a fun time trying to communicate with the very little German that we knew. She cooked us some real, homemade schnitzel for lunch when we got back. It was AMAZING. By far the best I've had since I've been here.

After lunch, we went hiking with Blabi and his cousin. It was so fun. We went to the very top of the mountain....about a two hour journey. Then we all sat down and ate some candy and strawberries and just enjoyed the view.
Apparently they have something like this on every mountain top here.
A couple of the wild mountain goats we saw.
Me, Christian, and Nat at a park on top of the mountain.
Nat, me, and Blabi.
Later that night, several of Blabi's friends came over and we all went to this huge party. There were several bands playing, and it was just amazingly fun. AND GET THIS! I was standing around with this baseball team, and this one Australian guy started talking to me and asked me where I was from. I told him Iowa and he asked where at in Iowa. I was pretty general and just said central...I knew he'd never know where Colo was. Then, he's like, "well I went to school at Iowa Central for two years!" HOW WEIRD! So, of course he said he'd partied on the hill at UNI, and been to Ames, and all that.
Nat, Blabi's mom, and I before going out.
The whole gang at the party.
Anyway, we went home around 3 am. The next morning, we caught our 10 am train. Natalie went to Munich though, and I went back to Klagenfurt. Nat is meeting a friend in Munich, and then flying back to the states on the 16th.

So, I got home sunday, did nothing, and then Christian called and was bored. So, him and Stefan came over. We hung out in the room, and then went to the TV room for a bit and there were a bunch of people in there so we just talked with everyone. At one point everyone started talking in German to eachother, and of course, since I couldn't understand a thing, I fell asleep. They woke me up when everyone was leaving and I went to bed.

Yesterday (Monday), I worked on my business lesson plan.....it's going okay, but I'm still not done. I also managed to squeeze in a good three episodes of Lost, went for a run, and then surprise, Christian was knocking at my door! Haha, he was bored again, so him Stephan, Clemens, and I all went and watched TV for a bit. But, watching Saw 2 in Deutsch wasn't really my thing, so I left and went to bed early.

This morning I woke up sick. I had a horrible night of sleep. Anyway, today I'm just gonna work on my lesson plan, and sleep as much as possible so that I'm better for class in the morning.

Only 16 days till my brother and sister are here!!!!

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