Wednesday, March 12, 2008

An interesting two days!!!

Haha, yesterday was an interesting day. Nat and I had a lot to get accomplished, so we were up and ready to go by 10 am. First of all, we went to the train station and got our Fotas cards. It's a card that students can buy for 20 euro to get 25% of all the train passes outside of Austria, and 50% of all of the trains inside of Austria.

Then, we got back on the bus and headed to the city. Now, when you ride the bus, your supposed to pay 1,70 euro. OR, you can buy a pass every month for 25 euro and ride it all you want. The bus driver never checks to see if you have a card. BUT, there is one guy in charge of the whole city that gets on random buses to make sure that everyone has either paid or has a pass. AND if you don't have one, then you have to pay a 60 euro fine.

The odds that that one guy gets on the same bus that we happen to be on is very slim. SO BASICALLY, Natalie and I never pay. I know, it makes me sound like such a horrible person, but I'm on a budget, and I decided that saving almost 2 euro a day was worth it. We were just talking about how we had never been caught before..then two seconds later, on walks The Man. Natalie and I didn't know what to do. We basically pooped our pants. When he came to us, he said something in German, and so we asked if he spoke any English. And he said no. So, I looked in my wallet and pulled out this random student card, called the ISIC card. This card is in no way related to the bus situation. But, somehow, he accepted it. I WAS SO RELIEVED!

After that whole situation, Natalie and I went to get a Kebab from the city (I had to step over a dog that was laying in the doorway in the restaurant...weird). After the Kebab, we went to the City Arkaden (the mall) and bought a cellphone for 20 euro, it is SO old school.

Afterwards we both went to class and found out that we have a 20 PAGE PAPER TO WRITE! LITERALLY, 20 PAGES. OH MY GOSH! that is not humanly possible. ...the topic--Racism in Aboriginal Australia. HAHAHAHA. I'm screwed.

Anyway. After my kickboxing class, I went to the Mozartheim party. Got home at 4:30 am. Had class at 8:30.
Lance, Christoph, Christian, and Me
Gavin, Alex, Tally, and Me

Then, I went to the city, got some well needed twix bars, and some other snack foods to take with me on my adventure.

At 2:00 I had my business class. English for Business Administration 1. LET ME EXPLAIN-- this is a class for German students that are learning English. HAHA. So, today when the professor was describing the syllabus, I couldn't help but laugh to myself. Our final exam is an english telephone call. What a challenge.

Then we did this exercise where we go around the room asking the other students questions in English like, "How long have you been studying English?" or "How many hours a week do you study English?" Then we had to interview another student and present them to the class. Gosh, I felt so stupid. ANYWAY, I'm going to continue taking the class. I am going to be teaching English in China for a month after I leave Austria, so I figure this will be a great way for me to get some good lesson plans. I talked to the professor about it and she was completely fine with that. SO, at least I know I'm guaranteed one A for the semester. Unless, somehow on test day I blank about how I am supposed to answer the telephone.

Now I am finishing packing and getting ready for my busy week. I am going to try and journal about my trip so that when I get back I can blog about everything! But, I guess this is goodbye for the next two weeks. Love you all. Gute Nacht.

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