Sunday, March 9, 2008

boring week.

So, Tuesday afternoon Natalie and I went into the city and met Louis and Derek. We ate Kebobs and then, at 2 Nat and I had our Australian course together. It was quite long and quite boring. I think that is how all of my classes are going to end up being.

At 5:30 I had my Kickboxing class. That was an experience. First of all, I get there and first thing I realize this is not a beginners class; I am a beginner. Luckily it is a small class of about 8 people. One other guy happens to be a beginner too, so of course, we are partners for the rest of the semester...and he is at least 50 years old. Ha.

We warmed up by playing 20 minutes of basketball. Just to give you an idea of how horrible they were at basketball....I HATE basketball and try to play as little as possible, and I was the best one on the court. A little ridiculous. They didn't know what double dribbling or traveling was, and they all shot with two hands.

Kickboxing was fun though. We even get to wear the gloves and shoes. I only learned a few different moves on Tuesday, but I'm pretty sure by the end of the semester I will be comparable to Rocky.

Afterwards, Nat and I went with about 6 other people to Mozartheim (the other dorm) for their weekly Tuesday night party. We didn't get there til about 11:30, and I only stayed till about 1:30. I was super tired. Apparently those parties last until 6 am, but I'm pretty sure I'll never be able to actually last the whole night.

Wednesday morning I was up bright an early for my 8:30 am class--English Linguistics. Talk about easy. She said "It's okay if you guys don't want to come to class, all the notes are on the internet..I'm just here to say it outloud." How ridiculous.

After class I met Blabi, Christoph and Natalie outside of the dorm and we drove to some mall to do some quick shopping. Then we went over to another mall and ate lunch. I ordered a pizza from the food court. I thought I was ordering sausage, but after a few bites realized it was tunafish pizza. Weird. Weird. Weird. I couldn't finish it. ...I like tuna, it's just not very pleasant to eat fish when your expecting sausage.

Afterwards we went to this HUGE grocery store. And when I say huge, I mean huge for Europe. ....It wasn't even close to a HyVee kind of huge. My most valued item that I bought-- CHEDDAR cheese!!!!! So far that's the first I've seen since I've been here.

We got home by 2 cuz I had class at 2:30. BUT, I went to find my room and it turned out that that class didn't actually start til the following wednesday. So, I went and hung out with Markus instead. We went for a walk and then just sat at the lake for a while. When I came home it was time to go to Blabi's birthday party. We got there around 8 and just had fun hanging out with them. I've decided that Blabi is by far the funniest person I have ever met in my life. Natalie and I went home around 11.

Thursday I woke up super duper late. Blabi and I met outside of my building at 3:45 to go to our business class together. The teacher suggested I take a different one because this was going to be way to easy for me. She said that she would benefit more than I would if I stayed in there(because I guess it's for german students learning english). So, long story short, I dropped that class and am now taking another monday class from 12-2. SO YIPEE--NO CLASS ON THURSDAY OR FRIDAYS NOW!!!

Thursday night at 8:30 I had my other work out class. THe title of the class is "ab-power" but it's more like a step/ab/weight class. AND, it's taught completely in German. So, basically my head was cranked to the side the entire time so I could see what the instructor was doing since I couldn't understand two words that were coming out of her mouth.

Thursday night around midnight, Markus drove me and Natalie to this random mountain just outside of Klagenfurt. We parked the car and then walked up a trail for about five minutes to a ledge that overlooks the city. It was a GORGEOUS view. You could see all of the lights of the klagenfurt....I tried to take a picture but it didn't turn out. Afterwards we went home and went to bed.

Friday I woke up super late 1. I had no class and I don't remember what I did during the day. Haha, sorry! Friday night was the University party. It was kinda boring this time. I got home at 3:30 and went to bed. Yesterday I woke up at 1:00 in the afternoon. Then I went and played soccer with everyone, came home showered and went to a soccer game with Christian, Blabi, Christoph, and Natalie. Klagenfurt won 1-0. WOOHOO! Afterwards, Natalie and I went home, ate supper, hung out, and went to bed. TODAY, I woke up late again--like noon--ate lunch, and I am currently doing laundry. Woohoo.

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