Monday, March 3, 2008

did you know there are over 20 different kinds of schnitzels? cuz there are.

I think I forgot to mention that the Slovenia trip that was planned for this weekend was cancelled. Not enough people were interested so it has been post-poned to I don't know when. Saturday night we went and played ping pong with a few other people. ...I'm pretty bad by the way--I lost every game. The greatest part of the night was when Blabi brought us down some strawberries. I don't even like strawberries, but I had the biggest craving for some fruit (cuz I haven't had any since I've been here!).

On Sunday, Blabi and Christoph invited us over for lunch. It was so cute. We went over at 12:30 and Blabi was locked in his room and we weren't allowed to look in there. Apparently it was a disaster--Hell's Kitchen they called it. So we went over to Christoph's room and they had the table set up all cute for us. Christoph came running in about 5 minutes later with pasta and a pan of Ramschnitzel. They dished out all the food for us and then we began! It was delicious! I was very impressed. Afterwards, we had a shot of I don't know what. They said in Italy it's tradition that everyone takes a shot after your meal to help digest the we did.

After lunch, around two, Blabi came with us to the hockey slab where we met about 15 of our other friends. We played soccer for about an hour until we got kicked off by some real hockey players. Then we went to the Mozartheim courtyard and played there until about 4:30. By that time I was hungry again, so I hurried home and cooked some pasta for supper.

Right after I finished my meal, Clemmons came in and invited us to the roof for a barbeque. So, an hour later we went, but I didn't eat anything...we just sat around and talked with everyone. At 9, about ten people came over to our dorm to hang out. We sat in the tv/smoke room and just talked with everyone and ate some popcorn. It was fun, but by the end of the night I was EXHAUSTED! At 12 something I went back to the room and went straight to bed.

This morning I woke up around ten and went for a run. I've had a horrible blister on my foot for the past week now and today it hurt extra bad. ugh. Anyway...after my run I showered and went to my 2:00 class.

It was my American studies class...the one focused on Vietnam. The professor asked why we signed up for the class. I said that I thought it would be interesting to hear it taught by someone that wasn't from America...just to see if it was taught differently, or the words I used were, "different perspectives." I don't think he quite understood what I meant, but luckily some other kid in the class started talking and explained to him what I meant. Whew. ...I'm nervous that the professor is going to think that I know a lot about this war and ask me questions or expect a lot of input from me...but I definitely won't have anything to say so this could be interesting!

I dropped my computer class because it was only worth one us credit and it was a ton of work so that was my only class of the day!

Afterwards Nat and I went to the city but got nothing accomplished and are super tired now. SO, I plan on watching a movie from the internet and going to bed. CIAO!

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