Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The rain, the rain, is driving me insane. BUT WOHOO FOR THE EURO CUP!

Well tonight is the last night of my 6 day weekend. The last time I had class was Wednesday of last week, and I never have Thursday or Friday class, and yesterday the university was closed because we had a Euro Cup game in Klagenfurt, and then the class I used to have on Tuesdays is over for the semester. But, lucky me, I have class tomorrow. Ugh.

Basically the long weekend was full of watching a ton of Euro Cup soccer games and lots of rain.

Thursday afternoon Natalie and I attempted to highlight Gavin's hair...but for some reason it didn't work out. Apparently Austrian hairdye won't color American hair. Because I bought a box a month ago and the same thing happened--nothing. Anyway, later that night we went to the Europa park to watch Germany vs. Croatia. Croatia game. Croatia won. But anyway, there are soooo many people here. This was just one of the many places that you could go to watch the game, and it was PACKED.

The unsuccessful attempt.
One of the viewing places in Europa Park.
Gavin and his 8 euro beer.
This is what the waitresses dressed like!

During halftime of the game.
After the first game, Nat and I went with Derek and his friend Marco to the Neuer Platz for the after party. It was amazingly fun. A lot of dancing! I ended up getting home around 2.
Our kick line. Me, Daniel, Christian, Marco, and idk who the last person is.
A bunch of us :)
After everyone had cleared out of the Neuer Platz.
I slept late of course, and then went to Concordia for a bday party. Afterwards Nat, Derek, Marco, and I all ended up just hanging out in Dereks room till 4:30 am. ...then Nat and I came home and slept till the afternoon the next morning.
Misty (from kansas) and Nat.
Me and Derek.
After waking up late on Saturday, Nat and I basically did nothing. I guess I kinda finished up a couple things for school. Then, around 6 I decided I was bored to death, and Gavin and I both agreed that nachos sounded amazing. So, we got Maria, Hope, and Stephan to go out with us. Afterards I just went to bed.

Sunday was the first semi-nice day all week. Natalie and I went for a walk to krumpendorf, and then went and laid out at the lake. We only laid out for like 30 minutes cuz then all the clouds came. Ugh. Then, we went to Mozartheim for a bit cuz people were grilling out, then we came home, got ready, and then went to Concordia for another party.
The three UNI kids in K-furt. Nat, Brian, and I.
Last night Austria played against Germany and they are huge rival teams. So it was a pretty exciting day. But, before all the soccer excitement went on, Natalie, Blabi, and I went on a walk to Erdbeer Land (strawberry land), but lucky us it was closed because of the tourney, so we just went to the grocery store, came home, cooked dinner, and then went to watch the game. We were going to watch it in the city center, but we were only there an hour before it started and the gates were already closed cuz they had reached the people capacity. So, we went to the Europa Park and watched it there. Nat and I left 20 minutes before the end so that we could watch it in the city center. Luckily we could get in!
At Neuer Platz...but we couldn't get passed the gate. UGH!
This was outside at one of the viewing areas in the Europa Park.
This is kinda boring, but you can kinda get an idea of how many people were at the Neuer Platz in the city center.
After the game the whole city was completely filled with people celebrating. Germany won the game, but that didn’t stop everyone from having a good time. Christian and I went and ate at MacDons, and then we went to the center and danced for a few hours.
Adorable Hannes in his adorable outfit. Go Austria!
Nat and I with our favorite neighbor, Hannes :)
I just love our Austrian polizei uniforms.
And we had to get extra police to come over and help watch the crowds....so these are the German polizei.
Me and Christian.
Dancing on the tables!
At yet ANOTHER viewing place in the city ...there were like ten thousand and eight-five places to watch the game. This was the party afterwards.
...once the music got shut off, the fans kept the party going with all of our Austrian cheers.
Around 2:30 AM, Natalie and I were ready to go home, but the buses had stopped running. We didn’t really wanna walk all the way home, so I just stuck my thumb out at the first car that drove by, and luckily he stopped. He was a nice guy—originally from Afghanistan—and he drove us all the way back to our dorm. I think I’m gonna start hitch-hiking a lot more from now on. That was just too easy.
Today I've done nothing. Tomorrow I have class. OH, and I forgot to mention that every day it RAINED. I am sooo ready for a nice sunny day.

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