We’ve been having going away parties lately cuz well everyone is leaving. Our best friends from here are already gone, and we still have a whole week here without them. HOW DEPRESSING. Today about nine or ten of us had lunch at the UniPizzeria to say goodbye to Gavin. His train left at 3:30 today.
Thursday night Gavin, Natalie, and I ate dinner together. Schnitzel and icecream! Afterwards we stopped at mozartheim to help celebrate suzie's bday party, but couldn't stay long cuz of our test the next day.
...HELLO AUSTRIA! sorry this is sideways, not sure how to change that.
Don't pay attention to my horrible voice. haha. But this was Gavins serenation song.
Friday we had our last uniparty...and it was pretty boring if you ask me.

Saturday night gavin came over after his trip to Germany (at 1 am), then the three of us ended up staying up super late and eventually Gavin fell asleep on the floor. haha. It looked quite uncomfortable.
Last night we went to the city center to watch the championship game between Spain and Germany. I was rooting for Germany, but Spain won :( Afterwards we went out for a kebab and then basically just sat around and talked cuz we were trying to prolong our last night ever with Gavin and Derek. Around 1 or so we headed home and said goodbye to Derek. Gosh that makes me so sad.

ANYWAY, this afternoon Nat and I went shopping and got a few things to wear while teaching in China. In about an hour we’re going back to the city center to have ice cream with the Irish girls.
Basically that’s about all that’s been going on. I’ve already packed one bag completely full, and have no idea how I’m going to get everything else into only one more. It will definitely be a challenge.
The rest of the week, I don’t really have any plans besides for laying out at the lake all day every day. I figure I should take advantage of my lazy life while I can because in a month I’ll be back to working my butt off.
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