Monday, June 23, 2008

Almost time to say goodbye :(

Let me update you:

Tuesday was a pretty frightening day. Haha…well I guess it started and ended fairly well, but the middle was horrifying. This is what happened: Nat and I went to the lake to lay out (cuz the weather is finally amazing again!), and Rachael and Kintali met us there about an hour after we got there. We were all swimming and having a good time, and then I decide to test out my camera in the water (cuz it’s an underwater camera). That was a bad idea. Not to put the blame on anyone, haha, but Natalie ended up dropping it to the bottom of the lake. First thought I had, how am I gonna tell my parents I lost this? …it costs over 300 dollars!!

So, we all searched for a while and had no luck at all. Then, Rachael and Kintali went to buy some goggles and Natalie and I continued to look for it. The water is extremely clear, so we could see to the bottom, but we couldn’t exactly remember where it was dropped cuz the current kept moving us. Then, at one point I spotted it. But, I wasn’t quick enough to swim down before I lost sight of it again.

Anyway, after literally 50 minutes of tredding water (it was about 7 feet deep) looking for that stupid thing, suddenly, Natalie took a deep breath and went under the water. I crossed my fingers and hoped what she saw was actually it, and low and behold, 5 seconds later she burst from the water holding my camera in her hand! I WAS SOOO HAPPY! Then 2 minutes afterward, Kintali and Rachael came back from buying the goggles. Haha.

My favorite place to swim at the lake! The cove!

Nat diving!

That tall tree on the left of Tali's head is the one i jumped out of!
Look at how clear the water is! ..this is Rachael.

And this is beautiful Natalie.

Besides seeing the transvestite on Wednesday, Gavin and I got a kebab and some gelata for lunch. Then we went to the mall cuz Gavin needed some electronic dictionary or something.

That night, me and Natalie just sat in our room. We watched Smoke Signals (one of the movies that I have to watch for one of my classes), then we went to bed.

Thursday night, a bunch of us went to the UniPizzeria, and afterwards went to Concordia and hung out for a while.

Derek, Nat, and I at unipizzeria.
Friday, Nat and I went to the lake for a while, but after jumping in and having my raft blow away in the water, and swimming for half an hour to chase it down, it started to lightning and rain, so we went home.

Friday night was Emma and Pierre’s going away party in the Uniheim. Then around 2, Sandra, Daniel, Nat, and I all went to the bars, then came home around 4:30AM and people were still up and partying so we hung out for a while with them again, then went to bed.
At Emma and Pierre's party.
And before going to the bars with Derek and Sandra.
Saturday I went to the beach from about 11 to 3. I went by myself, but Marcos and another Polish friend I haven’t mentioned before ended up being there at the same time. We had a blast. I even climbed halfway up a tree and then jumped in the lake from there. It was sooooo fun! I can’t wait to go back.

Saturday night was the best night I’ve had so far in Klagenfurt. Hope was having a birthday party in Mozartheim, and basically everyone was there. Everyone was in such a good mood, and we all just had an absolute blast. Hope has an amazing voice, so she sang a few songs, and then so did Louis. Gosh I just loved it. We left around 4:30, and only because some dumb kid came down and said if we didn’t stop singing and go home he was going to call the police and file a noise complaint. Pretty ridiculous for a student to do something like that on a Saturday night, but whatever…we all just went home.

Hope singing Fever.
Me and Niamh.

Maria, Brian, Derek, me, Kintali.

Yesterday, Natalie, Louis, Derek, Gavin, and I all went out to eat at Schnitzelwelt for supper, and afterwards Nat and I came home and had to read a bit. So, we took our rafts outside, laid them on the grass in the lawn, and read for an hour. We looked so stupid.

Anyway, that’s the latest update. I have two finals this week (my only two), so I’ll be studying nonstop for the next three days. Actually, I probably won’t, but I probably should.

I’m starting to get sooo sad though. One by one, everyone is leaving. I think basically every day this week someone else is going home for good. Talk about depressing.

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