Saturday night a ton of us went out to Saluds (the Mexican restaurant) for happy hour. Everything was incredibly expensive, so Natalie and I both just got one drink and we sat around and talked to everyone. Then we moved on and went to our first disco. We had to pay 4 euro to go in, and you had to be 21. Apparently I look 21 because they didn’t even question me, but it definitely took a while for them to let Natalie in.
Anyway, we danced until 4:30 in the morning—and when we left the party was still going strong. I’m pretty sure it stayed open till 6am or so. When we were standing outside, an Austrian boy came up and asked where we were from. We told him and then he started SCREAMING at us. He was cussing about Bush (because EVERYONE hates him over here) and saying a lot of other stuff about America. So, instead of listening to him, we just walked away. The walk home was about thirty minutes long and on the way back we found an open gas station so we went in and picked up a frozen pizza. We came home, cooked it, talked to Toni and Christy on skype, and then finally around 6:30 am, we went to bed. It was a very long night.
On Sunday, Natalie and I were incredibly sore from our runs the day before, so we thought walking might make us feel a little bit better. So we ventured out in our shorts and t-shirts (once again, the only two people dressed like that) and walked for about 3 hours. We followed the lake and walked to the next town—Kupendorf. It was incredibly nice out and there were people all over the place! The skate park was packed, and the bike trails were covered with bikers and walkers.
Monday was a fairly bad day. We woke up at nine and had to go to the BIB (international office) to hand in a copy of our passport. Natalie asked Christina (one of the in charge ladies) if she could make a copy so she went to try and apparently couldn’t get it to work. She came back and started saying something in German. She knows we can’t speak German, so Natalie said “what?” And then Christina said “you guys need to speak German,” in an incredibly mean way. So after that, we left and walked over to the rec-center to sign up for classes. The line was INCREDIBLY LONG. We waited in line for over an hour and when we finally got to the window, found out that we needed proof that we are an exchange student—which we didn’t have. We had our Klagenfurt ID’s but apparently that wasn’t good enough.
So, we walked all the way back to our room got our print off and came back. Luckily the line was short enough by that time that we only had to wait another 15 minutes. We ended up signing up for Kickboxing and Ab Power…we’ll see how they go. Both of them are only once a week so it shouldn’t be too strenuous.
Monday night we went over to Mozartheim and hung out with a few friends. We didn't really do much...just played Wii and hung out. The boys insisted on walking us home...which is incredibly cute and they always do it.
The girl Natalie created for Wii--Janellizl.
Tuesday was a GREAT DAY! I woke up around ten and went for a 45 minute run. Normally, people here don’t say hi or smile when they pass by one another, but today I decided to try it. I did it to every single person that I ran by (and there were quite a few) just to see what their reaction would be. All I’d say was “morgen!” (morning!) and everyone was very pleased to hear it. They all were a little startled at first, but then they’d smile and say the same thing back. It was a fun little experiment.
At 3:00 we went to the rec-center to pay Al—the tour guide—75 euro for our weekend trip to Slovenia. And then walked with Misty and Hope over to Mozartheim (another dorm). We met about 10 other people there and then took a bus to the city. We all got Kebobs. It is a Turkish food, but it’s pretty much exactly like a Gyro. It was very very good. After words we went to an Italian ice cream shop and got some ice cream. It was a great bonding experience.
Lance and his Kebob.
At 3:00 we went to the rec-center to pay Al—the tour guide—75 euro for our weekend trip to Slovenia. And then walked with Misty and Hope over to Mozartheim (another dorm). We met about 10 other people there and then took a bus to the city. We all got Kebobs. It is a Turkish food, but it’s pretty much exactly like a Gyro. It was very very good. After words we went to an Italian ice cream shop and got some ice cream. It was a great bonding experience.
Natalie and I had to leave early because we were meeting a few other friends back at Mozartheim at 6. We got there and pretty much left right away. We went to the futball stadium to get tickets for the game that night. Girls always get in free, so that was a plus! Then we walked back to Mozartheim and just hung out and ate some popcorn before heading over. At 8 we left for the game. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!! It was Klagenfurt vs. Graz. Both are Austrian teams, but Graz is much better than Klagenfurt so pretty much everyone was going for them. They ended up winning 2-0.

Afterwards we went back to Mozartheim and ended up staying there until a little after 2. Then I went back to the dorms and hung out in Clemmons’ room. There were five of us hanging out in there (watching youtube videos) until 4 am. At that time Nat and I were exhausted so we both left and went to bed.
Today I woke up around 12. I made lunch and then got ready to go play soccer. We met at 2 at Mozartheim with a bunch of other international students. We ended up playing on an old hockey slab. It was incredibly fun. We played until 4 and then went to the grocery store, came home, ate pizza, and here I am! In about an hour we are going with a few friends to a pub to watch some more futbol.
Alright…time for me to go get ready. Love you all!
This is Graz's fan club. They chanted the entire time. I loved it!
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