SO here is how it went:
I woke up at 4am—crazy, I know—and had to leave by 4:45 to catch our 5:00 bus. We made it to the bus stop a few minutes before five, only to realize that the first bus wasn’t actually coming until 5:52. So, my first thought—we’re screwed. We had to make it to the train station by 6:15 at the very latest to catch our 6:22 train. So, what did we do?? We walked. We walked for about forty minutes to the center of the city where we were able to catch a different bus that took us to the station.
Once we got to the station, we had to buy our ticket from a machine. Nat went to ask someone who could speak English if they would help us, and then we found our way to a bench to sit and wait for the next 30 or 40 minutes. Natalie left me for a little bit to go to the bathroom. As soon as she left, a 60 year old man came over to sit next to me. He said something to me, and as soon as he opened his mouth I could smell the alcohol on his breath. THEN, he began singing something to me in German. I was getting creeped out.
Soon Natalie was back—thank God. The guy then began to speak some English. He pulled out his wallet and showed us that he had no money. Then he proceeded to say that he has a place in Vienna, and we could stay there—for free—if we wanted. OH MY GOSH! Talk about scary! Natalie and I escaped and went upstairs and sat near a police guy to get away from him.
When it was time to board our train we tried to be as sneaky as possible to avoid having him sit next to us…and thank goodness it worked.
Anyway, after that fiasco, we finally arrived in Villach. Sebastian was at the top of the escalator to meet us and we all jumped in his tiny car. He drove us to Hermagor—his home town—and we stopped at Christof’s (Sebastian’s best friend) house. After sitting there for about 15 minutes, everyone was ready to go, and the four of us jumped into Sebastian’s car and drove about 15 minutes to Nassfeld—the ski resort in their village.
Once Nat and I had our gear rented, we were on our way up the mountain! Apparently the boys were expecting to have to teach us how to ski…so they were pleasantly surprised when they saw that we were alright skiers. But, obviously we didn’t even compare to how good they were. Sebastian said that they were pretty much born on skis, and I believe it. Both of them have won several contests, and we saw the trophies to prove it!
I was AMAZED at how good they were. Sebastian can literally ski down the entire mountain BACKWARDS! He tried to teach me, but to say the least, it didn’t go too well. At the end of the day I had fell a total of five times—with one of them being a face plant, and two others requiring me to spend a couple minutes putting my skis back on.
BUT, all in all it was a great day! We left Nassfeld around 3:45. Sebastian drove us to the train station in Hermagor because he had to work at 5 and wouldn’t have time to drive us all the way back to Villach. We got our tickets and then spent the next hour staying warm in a pub across the street.
We got on our bus, and I fell asleep almost instantly, I was sooo tired! After an hour we had to switch trains somewhere along the way, and then still had about a 15 minute ride to Klagenfurt. We got off and then took the first bus we thought would take us back to our dorm—but, surprise, surprise, it didn’t. We ended up on the completely opposite side of town. SO we got back on the bus and headed to the city where we got on the right bus and made it safe and sound back to our dorm around 8 pm.
By this time, I was STARVING. I took a shower and made supper and then was off to bed. I woke up this morning completely bruised up. But, all is good, and I am sooo happy that I got to spend yesterday skiing with Natalie and Sebastian—it was sooo much fun!
Here are a few pics from yesterday:
Right before we headed down...Natalie, Sebastian, Me, and Christof.
After a while--at like 10:30--the boys were ready for a beer. So this us in a pub at the top of the mountain.
The boys and their beer. Christof, Marcus (another friend who is a ski coach there), and Sebastian.
Me and Nat on the mountain.
A gorgeous view that I couldnt pass up.

Sebastian, Me, and Nat. This was taken by an automatic camera on the mountain.
This is Sebastian spinning in circles on his skis down the mountain. Pretty impressive if you ask me. Ignore my voice in this video. I sound so dumb.
After a short lesson, I tried to do the same thing.. ...gosh this is sooo embarrassing!
And here is another video of me trying to do the same thing. I'm only adding this so you can hear Sebastian's's soo cute!
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