Sunday, August 24, 2008

just another update

I'm pretty sure I never wrote about the last few days of china....SO, here it goes:

The closing ceremony went sooo well! All of my kids were amazing. This is a video of our practice in class the day before. They didn't really get into it during the practice--or this video--because they were soooo sick of singing it over and over. BUT, on stage, they did perfect...and all of the other teachers said my kids had the cutest performance :) I was so proud!

These are my second class kids on the last day of class. They are adorable...i miss them tons :(

I sat with my kids during the closing ceremony and they were just adorable...i started to get so sad when i thought that this would be the LAST time i'd ever see them again. Then, right before we left, my favorite student, annie, came up to hug me and say goodbye and she started bawling. Then i started bawling. I didn't think I'd be that emotional :(

The next day i was sooo happy because Annie and one of my other students came to see me off. I was the only one that had students come say goodbye! But, of course, when Annie and i said goodbye again, we bawled our eyes out. BUT, EVERYONE WAS SOOO EMOTIONAL so i didn't feel quite so dumb this time. All of our TAs were there to say goodbye, and i dont know, it was just sad. Every single one of the guys even bawled. It was a sad day.

We got to Hong Kong--it was GORGEOUS. I didn't even know one city could be sooo beautiful. The first day we took a tour, and then went out to dinner. The second day we had all to ourselves. Nat, Alisha, and I all went on the longest escalator in the world--2598 feet (give or take a few feet). Then we shopped for a while, went out to eat at KFC for our last meal in china, and then went to the amazing light show. It was a looong day and we didn't get back till super late. Then, we just packed and went to bed.

We went to the airport the next day and nat and i had a 21 hour journey back to the states. We were on three different planes total, and landed in Omaha around 11 pm on tuesday night. My mom was there to pick me up--and toni even came to surprise me! I was soooo happy to be home, and still am!

I was home for a few days, and then my family and some cousins and aunts and uncles all went to south dakota. To be honest, i wasn't too thrilled to go..just cuz sitting in a car for ten hours didn't sound like fun at all after a 21 hour travel day. But it was sooo nice to see my family again and we just had fun hanging out in a cabin and seein what there is to see in s.d.

this is what happens when the meyers get cabin fever.

our family song.

Then, on Saturday the 16th--the day after i got back--i moved to my new house in cedar falls. I absolutely love it here. I live with Toni Perisho, Natalie Tendall, and Katie Reidy. ..and i'd love to mention that we share one bathroom. Haha. But it's a fairly nice house and im sooo happy to finally be settled!

I applied at about ten thousand restaurants up here (at least 8) and after waiting for almost two weeks, finally got a call back from one--Lonestar Steakhouse. It's in waterloo, which will kinda suck driving there all the time, but it's a job...and i need whatever i can get. AND, toni works there too...and i love working with her. It'll be fun :) I start on Labor Day.

Tomorrow classes start. Ugg. I still haven't bought my books. Actually...i found this new website can RENT ur books from there. It's soooo freaking cheap. Like i'm renting a book for 45 dollars that costs 100 in the book store here. U just get it for the semester, and then they send u the postage to mail it back when ur done with it. I got four books through that...and then i still need to get all my business ones from the bookstore here--they are all custom made so i can't order them offline. it's dumb. each of them is at least 90 dollars a piece. thank god i got that job.

anyway....thats the latest with me!